Another year down

Greenhouse in process of being cleaned out. All plants removed, started removing pots.

Greenhouse in process of being cleaned out. All plants removed, started removing pots.

Y’all - we can’t believe we’ve been at this for 15 years now. Sometimes it seems like 5, sometimes 500. 🤪

But here’s a small glimpse of how each season ends - a complete clean out, sterilization, then we’ll have the next round in pots by Labor Day. Then we’re usually picking again by mid-December.

We may be done with tomatoes for now, but we never stop - we’re still growing lettuce and grinding grits and cornmeal, so come on out anytime and see us!

Man in blue shirt emptying pots for perlite from greenhouse.

Man in blue shirt emptying pots for perlite from greenhouse.




Who is Hurricane Creek?